//  PCA.C
//  DLL for Visual Basic 6 program, "Five Cellular Automata"
//  Author: Peter Meyer

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "stdafx.h"    

#define true    1
#define false   0
#define NUM_NEIGHBORS (8)
#define MAX_Q (256)
#define CONST_E (2.7182818)
#define MAX_POWER_E (709)

#define SWAP_STATES(i1,j1,i2,j2,state1,state2) { a1[i1][j1] = state2; a1[i2][j2] = state1; }

Type passed from Visual Basic program:

Type PCAStruct
    lngType As Long
    lngQ As Long
    lngK1 As Long
    lngK2 As Long
    lngK3 As Long
    lngK4 As Long
    lngArraySize As Long
End Type

typedef struct
    int type;
    int q;
    int k1;
    int k2;
    int k3;
    int k4;
    int array_size;
    } PCA;    

unsigned char *d1;
unsigned char **a1;
unsigned char *d2;
unsigned char **a2;

int type, q, k1, k2, k3, k4, array_size, dynamics;
unsigned int num_bytes_in_row;
long sum, num_da_cells, num_fixed_da_cells;

int nnas[MAX_Q+1];        //  holds numbers of immediate neighbours in all states

//  Functions to export

__declspec(dllexport) int _stdcall allocate_memory(unsigned int max_array_size);
__declspec(dllexport) void _stdcall free_memory(void);
__declspec(dllexport) double _stdcall initialize_automaton(PCA *pca, int initial_state);
__declspec(dllexport) double _stdcall update_automaton(PCA *pca);
__declspec(dllexport) int _stdcall cell_state(int i, int j);

//  Functions private to this module

int num_neighbors_in_state(int state, int i, int j, int *mm, int *nn, int array);
void num_neighbors_in_all_states(int i, int j, int array);
int sum_states(int i, int j, int include_cell);
double average_state(void);
double togetherness(void);
double proportion_healthy_cells(void);
double proportion_fixed_da_cells(void);

//  Entry point for DLL
                      DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, 
                      LPVOID lpReserved)
return ( true );

int _stdcall allocate_memory(unsigned int max_array_size)
unsigned int i;
unsigned char *ptr;

num_bytes_in_row = max_array_size;

if ( ( d1 = calloc(max_array_size*max_array_size,sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
    return ( false );

if ( ( a1 = malloc(max_array_size*sizeof(char *)) ) == NULL )
    return ( false );

ptr = d1;

for ( i=0; i<max_array_size; i++ )
    a1[i] = ptr;
    ptr += max_array_size;

if ( ( d2 = calloc(max_array_size*max_array_size,sizeof(char)) ) == NULL )
    return ( false );

if ( ( a2 = malloc(max_array_size*sizeof(char *)) ) == NULL )
    return ( false );

ptr = d2;

for ( i=0; i<max_array_size; i++ )
    a2[i] = ptr;
    ptr += max_array_size;


return ( true );

void _stdcall free_memory(void)

//  initial_state:
//  0  = random
//  1  = symmetric
//  2  = diagonal
double _stdcall initialize_automaton(PCA *pca, int initial_state)
int i, ii, j, jj, state, state0, m, k;

type = pca->type;
q = pca->q;
k1 = pca->k1;
k2 = pca->k2;
array_size = pca->array_size;

if ( type < 2 )
    //  q-state Life or BZ
    switch ( initial_state )
        case 0:
        //  random
        for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
            for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
                a1[i][j] = (rand()%q) + 1;

        case 1:
        //  symmetric
        //  array_size is always even except for 33.
        for ( i=0; i<(array_size+1)/2; i++ )
            ii = array_size - i - 1;
            for ( j=0; j<(array_size+1)/2; j++ )
                jj = array_size - j - 1;
                m = abs(j - i);
                k = ( m*m*(rand()%q) + m*(rand()%q) + rand()%q)%q + 1;
                a1[i][j] = a1[ii][j] = a1[i][jj] = a1[ii][jj] = k;

        case 2:
        //  diagonal
        state0 = rand()%q;
        for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
            state0 = (state0%q) + 1;
            state = state0;
            for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
                a1[i][j] = (state++%q) + 1;


else if ( type == 2 )
    //  Togetherness
    //  c = (double)k1/100;        //  concentration of cells
    for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
            if ( rand()*(unsigned long)100 > k1*(unsigned long)RAND_MAX )
                a1[i][j] = 1;        //  no cell at this location
                a1[i][j] = (rand()%(q-1)) + 2;
                //  Cells have states in the range 2 through q.

else if ( type == 3 )
    //  50% of locations are occupied by cells.
    //  All cells are initially healthy.
    for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
            if ( rand()%2 )
                a1[i][j] = 1;       //  empty 
                a1[i][j] = q;        //  healthy cell
else if ( type == 4 )
    num_da_cells = 0;
    num_fixed_da_cells = 0;
    memset(d1,0,(unsigned long)DISPLAY_SIZE_IN_PIXELS*DISPLAY_SIZE_IN_PIXELS);
    //  Seed cells are in state q.
    //  Of other locations, k1% are occupied by (invisible) mobile cells in state 1;
    //  the rest are empty (state 0).

    m = array_size*array_size/4;
    if ( k2 >= 6 )
        //  Place k2 seeds at random.
        do  {
            i = rand()%array_size;
            j = rand()%array_size;
            ii = array_size/2 - i;
            jj = array_size/2 - j;
            if ( ii*ii + jj*jj <= m )
                a1[i][j] = q;
            } while ( num_fixed_da_cells < k2 );

    for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
            if ( k2 >= 6 )
                if ( a1[i][j] == q )
            ii = array_size/2 - i;
            jj = array_size/2 - j;
            if ( ii*ii + jj*jj > m )  
                a1[i][j] = 0;        //  empty location 
            if ( k2 < 6 )
                if ( ( k2 == 1 && 
                    ( i == array_size/2 && j == array_size/2 ) )
                || ( k2 == 2 && 
                    (  ( i == array_size/4 && j == array_size/2 ) 
                    || ( i == 3*array_size/4 && j == array_size/2 ) ) ) 
                || ( k2 == 3 && 
                    (  ( i == array_size/4 && j == array_size/2 )
                    || ( i == array_size/2 + (int)(array_size*sqrt(3)/8) && j == 3*array_size/4 )
                    || ( i == array_size/2 + (int)(array_size*sqrt(3)/8) && j == array_size/4 ) ) )
                || ( k2 == 4 && 
                    (  ( i == array_size/2 && j == array_size/2 ) 
                    || ( i == array_size/4 && j == array_size/2 )
                    || ( i == array_size/2 + (int)(array_size*sqrt(3)/8) && j == 3*array_size/4  )
                    || ( i == array_size/2 + (int)(array_size*sqrt(3)/8) && j == array_size/4  ) ) )
                || ( k2 == 5 &&
                    ( ( i == array_size/2 && j == array_size/2 )
                    || ( i == array_size/4 && j == array_size/4 )
                    || ( i == array_size/4 && j == 3*array_size/4 )
                    || ( i == 3*array_size/4 && j == array_size/4 )
                    || ( i == 3*array_size/4 && j == 3*array_size/4 ) ) )
                    a1[i][j] = q;
                    if ( rand()*(unsigned long)100 < k1*(unsigned long)RAND_MAX )
                        a1[i][j] = 1;   //  mobile cell
                        a1[i][j] = 0;        //  empty location
            else    //  k2 >= 6, place mobile cells at random locations.
                if ( rand()*(unsigned long)100 < k1*(unsigned long)RAND_MAX )
                    a1[i][j] = 1;       //  mobile cell
                    a1[i][j] = 0;        //  empty location

if ( type <= 1 )
    return ( average_state() );
else if ( type == 2 )
    return ( togetherness() );
else if ( type == 3 )
    return ( proportion_healthy_cells() );
else //  if ( type == 4 )
    return ( proportion_fixed_da_cells() );

double _stdcall update_automaton(PCA *pca)
int i, j, k, m, n, sxs;
int adjacent, gain1, gain2, gain;
int i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3, nns11, nns12, nns21, nns22;
int state, state1, state2;
int nns1, nnsq;

type = pca->type;
q = pca->q;
k1 = pca->k1;
k2 = pca->k2;
k3 = pca->k3;
k4 = pca->k4;
array_size = pca->array_size;

if ( type <= 1 )
    #if false
    //  Copy 'array_size' rows of array a1 to array a2.
    //  Array a2 not used in Togetherness.
    for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )

switch ( type )
    case 0:        //  q-state Life
    for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
            sum = sum_states(i,j,false);
            //  false = don't include state of cell itself
            if ( a1[i][j] > q/2 )
                if ( k1 <= sum && sum <= k2 )
                    a1[i][j] += 1;
                    a1[i][j] -=  1;
                if ( k3 <= sum && sum <= k4 )
                    a1[i][j] += 1;
                    a1[i][j] -=  1;
            if ( a1[i][j] < 1 )
                a1[i][j] = 1;
            else if ( a1[i][j] > q )
                a1[i][j] = q;

    case 1:        //  Belouzov-Zhabotinsky
    for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
            if ( a1[i][j] == 1 )
                nns1 = num_neighbors_in_state(1,i,j,NULL,NULL,2);
                if ( k1 == k2 )
                    state = ( NUM_NEIGHBORS - nns1 )/k1 + 1;
                    nnsq = num_neighbors_in_state(q,i,j,NULL,NULL,2);
                    state = ( NUM_NEIGHBORS - nns1 - nnsq )/k1 + nnsq/k2 + 1;
                    //  1 <= k1,k2 <= 8
                if ( state > q )
                    state = q;
                a1[i][j] = state;
            else if ( a1[i][j] == q )
                a1[i][j] = 1;
                nns1 = num_neighbors_in_state(1,i,j,NULL,NULL,2);
                //  This also sets the global variable 'sum'

                state = sum/(NUM_NEIGHBORS - nns1 + 1) + k3;
                //  k3 >= 1 so no need to check if state < 1.
                if ( state > q )
                    state = q;
                a1[i][j] = state;

    case 2:        //  Togetherness
    sxs = array_size*array_size;
    for ( k=0; k<sxs; k++ )
        //  Randomly choose a cell which is not surrounded by 8 neighbors of the same state.
        do  {
            do  {
                i1 = rand()%array_size;
                j1 = rand()%array_size;
                } while ( a1[i1][j1] == 1 );

            state1 = a1[i1][j1];

            nns11 = nnas[state1];
            } while ( nns11 == NUM_NEIGHBORS );

        if ( k2 >= array_size )
            //  Choose another location at random.
            do  {
                i2 = rand()%array_size;
                j2 = rand()%array_size;
                } while ( i2 == i1 && j2 == j1 );
            //  Choose at random a location within a distance k3
            //  which is other than the location of the cell itself.
            do  {
                i3 = k2 - rand()%(2*k2+1);        //  -k2 <= i3,j3 <= k2
                j3 = k2 - rand()%(2*k2+1);
                } while ( ( i3 == 0 && j3 == 0 ) || ( abs(i3) + abs(j3) > k2 ) );
            i2 = ( i1 + i3 + array_size )%array_size;
            j2 = ( j1 + j3 + array_size )%array_size;

        //  If there is a cell at this location of the same state then give up.
        if ( ( state2 = a1[i2][j2] ) == state1 )

        nns12 = nnas[state2];


        nns21 = nnas[state1];

        adjacent = ( abs(i1-i2) <= 1 && abs(j1-j2) <= 1 );
        if ( state2 == 1 )
            //  2nd location is empty.
            gain = ( nns21 - adjacent ) - nns11;
            //  2nd location is occupied by a cell.
            nns22 = nnas[state2];

            if ( nns22 == NUM_NEIGHBORS )

            //  Check if exchange of states would lead to increase in adjacent cells with same state.
            gain1 = ( nns21 - adjacent ) - nns11;
            gain2 = ( nns12 - adjacent ) - nns22;
            gain = gain1 + gain2;

           if ( gain >= 0 )
        else if ( ( state2 == 1 && gain == -1 ) || ( state2 != -1 && gain >= -2 ) )
            if ( !(rand()%k3 ) )

    case 3:     //  Viral Replication
    sxs = array_size*array_size;
    for ( k=0; k<sxs; k++ )
        //  Choose a location at random
        i = rand()%array_size;
        j = rand()%array_size;
        //  If empty (state 1) do nothing
        if ( a1[i][j] == 1 )
        else if ( a1[i][j] == q )
            //  It's a healthy cell.  
            //  It becomes infected with probability k2 chances in 100,000.
            //  If it does not become infected then
            //  if it is not completely surrounded by other cells
            //  then it divides with probability k3 percent,
            //  with one daughter cell occupying a random neighboring empty location.
            if ( rand()*(unsigned long)100000 < k2*(unsigned long)RAND_MAX )
                if ( num_neighbors_in_state(1,i,j,&i1,&j1,1) > 0 )
                    if ( rand()*(unsigned long)100 < k3*(unsigned long)RAND_MAX )
                        a1[i1][j1] = q;
        else if ( a1[i][j] > 2 && a1[i][j] < q )
            //  If it's infected (but not fully infected) then its state decreases by 1.
        else if ( a1[i][j] == 2 )
            //  If the cell is fully infected (state 2) then it disappears and all neighboring cells 
            //  are infected with probability k1 percent.
            a1[i][j] = 1;
            for ( i1=-1; i1<=1; i1++ )
                for ( j1=-1; j1<=1; j1++ )
                    if ( ! ( i1 == 0 && j1 == 0 ) )
                        i2 = ( i + i1 + array_size)%array_size;
                        j2 = ( j + j1 + array_size)%array_size;
                        if ( a1[i2][j2] > 2 )
                            if ( rand()*(unsigned long)100 < k1*(unsigned long)RAND_MAX )

    case 4:     //  Diffusion/aggregation
    //  Going through the array typewriter-fashion is a lot faster but it produces
    //  a definite bias in one direction, so must choose locations at random.
    sxs = array_size*array_size;
    i3 = sxs/4;
    //  Square of radius of largest circle within square display.  
    //  Movable cells which pass beyond this disappear.
    for ( k=0; k<sxs; k++ )
        //  Choose a location at random
        i = rand()%array_size;
        j = rand()%array_size;
        //  If not a movable cell at this location do nothing.
        if ( a1[i][j] == 1 )
            //  If it has at least one fixed cell as a neighbor then it becomes a fixed cell.
            //  Unfortunately this code allows the structure to grow beyond the square boundary
            //  but not worth correcting.
            adjacent = 0;
            for ( m=-1; m<=1; m++ )
                for ( n=-1; n<=1; n++ )
                    if ( ! ( m == 0 && n == 0 ) )
                        if ( a1[(i+m+array_size)%array_size][(j+n+array_size)%array_size] > 1 )
                            adjacent = 1;
                if ( adjacent == 1 ) 
            if ( adjacent == 1 )
                //  set state of cell based on square root of proportion of fixed cells so that
                //  the central cells are white and there is gradual movement through the available colors
                //  the number of which is determined by the value of q.
                a1[i][j] = (int)( ( q*q - 2 - q*(q-2)*sqrt(proportion_fixed_da_cells()) ) / (q-1) );
                #if false
                //  Not needed.
                if ( a1[i][j] > q )
                    a1[i][j] = q;
                else if ( a1[i][j] < 2 )
                    a1[i][j] = 2;
                //  Move to a random empty neighboring location if possible
                //  (impossible only if all neighboring locations are occupied by movable cells).
                if ( num_neighbors_in_state(0,i,j,&i1,&j1,1) > 0 )
                    a1[i][j] = 0;
                    //  If cell crosses boundary then it disappears.
                    #if false
                    //  This produces a squarish final image.
                    if ( ( i == 0 && i1 == array_size -1 ) || ( i1 == 0 && i == array_size -1 )
                        || ( j == 0 && j1 == array_size -1 ) || ( j1 == 0 && j == array_size -1 ) )
                    //  This gives a circular final image.
                    i2 = array_size/2 - i1;
                    j2 = array_size/2 - j1;
                    if ( i2*i2 + j2*j2 >= i3 )
                        a1[i1][j1] = 1;

if ( type <= 1 )
    return ( average_state() );
else if ( type == 2 )
    return ( togetherness() );
else if ( type == 3 )
    return ( proportion_healthy_cells() );
else //  if ( type == 4 )
    return ( proportion_fixed_da_cells() );

//  This used by Diffusion-Aggregation.
double proportion_fixed_da_cells(void)
return ( (double)num_fixed_da_cells/num_da_cells ); 

//  This used by Togetherness.
void num_neighbors_in_all_states(int i, int j, int array)
int m, n;


for ( m=-1; m<=1; m++ )
    for ( n=-1; n<=1; n++ )
        if ( ! ( m == 0 && n == 0 ) )
            if ( array == 1 )

//  Returns the number of immediate neighbours of cell at i,j in specified state using specified array.
//  Also sets 'sum' to the sum of the states of the cells' neighbors plus the state of the cell itself.
//  If there is a neighbor in state 'state' then on return *mm and *nn are the relative coordinates
//  of a neighbor in that state, randomly selected.
//  This used by BZ, VI and DA.
int num_neighbors_in_state(int state, int i, int j, int *i1, int *j1, int array)
int m, n, mm, nn, nns=0, neighbor_state, k1, k2;

sum = ( array == 1 ? a1[i][j] : a2[i][j] );

for ( m=-1; m<=1; m++ )
    for ( n=-1; n<=1; n++ )
        if ( ! ( m == 0 && n == 0 ) )
            mm = (i+m+array_size)%array_size;
            nn = (j+n+array_size)%array_size;
            neighbor_state = ( array == 1 ? a1[mm][nn] : a2[mm][nn] );
            sum += neighbor_state;
            nns += ( neighbor_state == state );

if ( i1 != NULL && nns > 0 )
    //  Select at random a neighbor in state 'state'.
    k1 = rand()%nns;
    k2 = 0;
    for ( m=-1; m<=1; m++ )
        for ( n=-1; n<=1; n++ )
            if ( ! ( m == 0 && n == 0 ) )
                mm = (i+m+array_size)%array_size;
                nn = (j+n+array_size)%array_size;
                neighbor_state = ( array == 1 ? a1[mm][nn] : a2[mm][nn] );
                if ( neighbor_state == state && k2++ == k1 )
                    *i1 = mm;
                    *j1 = nn;
                    return ( nns );

return ( nns );

//  Returns the sum of the states of the cell's neighbours 
//  using periodic boundary conditions, and optionally includes
//  the state of the cell itself.  NB: Uses array2[][].
//  This used only by q-state Life.
int sum_states(int i, int j, int include_cell)
int m, n;

sum = 0;

for ( m=-1; m<=1; m++ )
    for ( n=-1; n<=1; n++ )
        sum += a2[(i+m+array_size)%array_size][(j+n+array_size)%array_size];

return ( include_cell ? sum : sum - a2[i][j] );

//  This used only by Togetherness.
double togetherness(void)
int i, j, state, n=0, sum=0;

for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
    for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
        if ( ( state = a1[i][j] ) > 1 )
            sum += nnas[state];

return ( (double)sum/n );

//  This used only by q-state Life and BZ.
double average_state(void)
int i, j;

sum = 0;

for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
    for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
        sum += a1[i][j];

return ( (double)sum/(array_size*array_size) );

//  This used only by Viral Infection
double proportion_healthy_cells(void)
long i, j, num_cells=0, num_healthy_cells=0;

for ( i=0; i<array_size; i++ )
    for ( j=0; j<array_size; j++ )
        if ( a1[i][j] > 1 )
            if ( a1[i][j] == q )

if ( !num_cells )
    return ( 0 );
    return ( (double)num_healthy_cells/num_cells );

int _stdcall cell_state(int i, int j)
return ( a1[i][j] );